Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dash through the Forest (Chapter 12, Perspective of Ralph)

No time to stop, must keep running. Jack, Roger, Samneric, all chasing me. Fire throughout the forest. A spear pointed at both ends. Why are they doing this? They are trying to kill me just like they killed Piggy and Simon. They didn't do anything to them, they were just trying to help the tribe. I haven't done anything to the "hunters", but they still try to kill me. They have become savage, bent on killing things. Jack has even set this whole island on fire to try and kill me. What a fool, he's destroying everything that he can eat on this island. How will I escape them? Hide, or break their line? That terrible sound they're making. A cry between all the hunters. Should I stay here, or wait and break their line? I will only get one chance, I must decide. There is a savage now, do I break, or stay and hide? He must see me, I saw his face. I will break their line, and will run. Run until I can't.
I have broke their line, destroyed their coordination with each other. Now I must run. What has this island become? We used to be a civilization. Now it has become a bunch of boys running around and killing things, even each other. Are we the beast that the littuns talk of? Or have we turned into the beast? Killing each other like it's a game. We used to be friends. Or at least we used to be civil toward one another. What happened to us? Have we turned into the outside world? Two tribes fighting in a war against each other, each trying to survive and rise to power? I guess we have turned into the outside world, making the mistakes that grownups have. I cannot run anymore. I have found the beach at last. I will lay down, and rest. Even Jack does not scare me now. Now I will wait. And hope that someone will rescue us. For hope is pretty much all we have at this point.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Meeting by the Fort (Chapter 11, Perspective of Piggy)

It was decided today that we were going to confront Jack for stealing my specs. Bloody Jack and his downright dirty tricks. Now I am blind and we can't make our signal fire anymore. Sometimes I wonder if Jack wants more of the hunting action, or if he actually deep down wants to get off this island. I really wonder about this sometimes. I know that he didn't steal my specs so that he can make his own signal fire. He wants my specs so that he can cook his meat. So while Ralph and I and Samneric try to get us off this island, Jack and his hunters are stealing my specs and tyring to live up the good life. Hopefully Ralph will get my specs back when we go to confront Jack.

I am scared, Jack and his hunters are booing at us. I don't know what Ralph is doing, but I think that he is fighting with Jack. I am frightened, and I hope that I do not get pulled into this fight. I am going to try to find a rock to hang onto while Ralph and Jack sort out this issue. What' s this? I hear Jack saying something about taking Sam and Eric and for his hunters to go and tie them up. Then something hit me across the chest and I could feel myself flying across the air and into the forest. At this time, I was knocked out, and I could not see what became of Sam and Eric and Ralph.

Savages on the Mountain (Chapter 10, Perspective of Samneric)

It's now only us and Ralph and Piggy now. Today we collected wood for the fire that we are trying to keep running. But we all know that it's hopeless to try and keep the fire going. We can't do it with only four people. Everything has changed, everything since Simon......never joined us again. Jack has become savage, and has lost sight of the major idea underlying here, to be rescued by setting up a signal fire. All he wants to do is go out and hunt and kill boars and not be concerned about how we are going to get off this island. But for now, we are going to sleep, and deal with these problems in the morning.

Sam and I cannot believe Jack and his hunters. Last night his hunters came and stole Piggy's specs. They stole our fire. We would have given it to if they had actually asked for it. But no. They had to be the savages they are and come during the night and steal Piggy's specs. They scratched up my face pretty good last night, and got a good fist or two on Ralph. Those low down thieves, coming during the night, ambushing us while we were sleeping, and then stealing Piggy's specs. Now we can't make a fire and Piggy is fully blind. Jack must be confronted. We cannot be savages and steal back the glasses, we must talk to him. We will get Piggy's specs back. Whether Jack and his hunters like it or not.

Death (Chapter 9, Perspective of Jack)

My civilization is perfect. We have meat, and I am leader. Without Ralph, things are a lot easier around here. Why, even Ralph and Piggy came to visit me and eat my meat during the day. Why, me and my hunters have created a civilization that will get us off this island fat and content. Ralph is all about this and that and how we can't do this and why arn't you watching the fire and stuff like that. Here, all we have to do is sit back and relax and wait for someone to see Ralph's fire. I rule supreme here, and there is no one that can contradict what I say. No more Ralph yelling at me to look at the situation, no more Piggy whining about his glasses and everything else we do. Just me sitting in my chair, eating my pig. Why, it seems that the hunters are playing a game with Simon. I guess I'll join in. Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood. The hunters chant, my chant. Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood. The pig, we must get the pig. Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood. Death to the pig. Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood.The deed is done. The pig is gone. We will now feast. For the death of the pig means meat and life for us.

Break Apart (Chapter 8, Perspective of Ralph)

I cannot beleive Jack. He is such an arrogant fool. He broke away from the group today, and was trying to stab at my leadership skills. Luckily no one followed him, but I know that some will eventually go to Jack. Jack thinks that he is all powerful. He isn't. He thinks he has power over all the others when he doesn't. All he does is yell at the other kids and they do what he says out of sheer terror. Breaking away from our group was a foolish idea. He thinks that staying on this island is all fun and games and hunting. But it's not. He has to get a fire going to alert other ships, he needs to gather fresh water everyday so that he can survive. Jack has done a lot of stupid things on this island, but this probably qualifies as the stupidest.

Jack just gets on my nerves sometimes. He has gotten people to go over to his "tribe", and later he started to bribe the kids that had stayed with me with meat. Waving it in front of their faces, how in the world could they not resist. Even I went over. He was all dressed up, like he was a God of some sort. Why did Jack have to land on this island with us? Why? He is tearing everyone apart since he can't realize that he isn't boss on this island. Hmmmm, where did Simon go? He seems to have disappeared on us. I wonder where he went. I hope he is ok. He is just about the last one that hasn't gone crazy on this island.

Alone on the Beach (Chapter 7,Perspective of Piggy)

Today the others are still up on the mountain. I wonder what they have been doing up there all this time. But luckily I wasn't chosen to go up with them. Who knows what the beastie is capable of doing to us? Why, I'd be scared out my mind's end if I encountered the beastie on the trip. And my specs, getting worse every day. Right now I can see only out of one eye, soon I won't be able to see anything at all. That would be quite bad. I wonder what my auntie would say if she was here. She would take out my spec's cleaning kit and she'd have them fixed in no time. She could also help us sort out this beastie nonsense.

Waiting here with the littuns is getting me on edge now. The others could be walking into the beastie's lair right now. All the littuns are just playing around in the sand. How foolish of them. They cry about the beastie eveyr night, but won't go and help kill it off. Oh, here comes Simon, I hope he has some good news.

Simon just came back and told me that the group is going to go looking for the beastie on the mountain and may return back after nightfall. *sigh* I hope nothing happens to any of them. Wait, what am I saying? I hope something happens to Jack, but no harm falls upon the others. Jack has just been so mean to me, I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine when they finally meet the beastie. But if anything happens to Ralph, I could never survive here alone with Jack. He'd probably kill me before we got off this island. Oh thinking about all this is making me tremble. Mabye they will come back soon with the new of finally killing the beastie. That would make me feel so much better. We would all have a feast and stuff our faces with pig and fruit and yummy food from this island. But for now, I think I will just sit here and watch the littuns play around in the sand, mabye join them, as they have no clue of what's unfolding before them.

Fear on the Mountain (Chapter 6, perspective of Simon)

Today started off energy filled. Samneric yelled about seeing the beast this morning. That woke everyone up. But of course, during all the commotion, no one tended to the fire. And it went out. Again. We're never gonna get off this island at this rate. But then Ralph called an assembly. He let Samneric tell the story about how they saw the beastie. It frightened many of us, including me. Of course, during the middle of the assembly, Jack took control and started making decisions without anyone's approval. He decided for the group to go and hunt down the beast. Amazingly, mostly everyone agreed to this plan. Ralph soon was all over the group about how they didn't want to keep the fire going. And how they didn't want to be rescued. Really, thats the only thing Ralph talks about anymore. The fire. And being rescued. I can see his concern for it, but he's obscessing over it. Don't do this, you've got to be tending to the fire. Stop playing around, tend to the fire, don't you want to be rescued? After Ralph's short speech about being rescued and keeping the fire going, all the Bigguns went into the forest to hunt for the beast. Jack narrowed the places to where the beast could be to one place high up on the mountain, as Jack had been everywhere on the island except this place. As we were walking, I tried to talk to Ralph, but I couldn't. Even on this island, speaking out is supressed by the pure pressure of saying something wrong. The other Biguns and I waited at the bottom of the mountain as we watched Ralph, and later Jack, ascend the mountain. All I could do was wait at the bottom, doing nothing. I felt so helpless against the beast. Finally, Jack and Ralph came down from the mountain, empty handed. But Jack told all the other kids about how cool it would be if they built a fort up there and at this, all the Biguns got excited and started rolling rocks around. Ralph got mad at this, and started yelling at all the kids that were rolling rocks around. He said that rolling rocks around was a waste of time, and that they shouldn't be doing that. The sheer force in Ralph's voice made all the boys stop. I hope that we will get off this island soon, and leave the responsibility of the fire, the shelters, and even the fear of the beast.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Unwanted Changes (Perspective of Jack,Chapter 5)

Everyone. The littluns. The bigguns. The beasty. Everyone should just shutup and listen to me. I have answers to everything. It was not my fault that the fire went out. Why does Ralph always blame the bad things that happen on me? I caught us a pig, I gave him meat. His stupid little assembly today just made things worse. He thinks he can boss us around like this. I spit on him. I am the hunter, I should make the decisions for everyone. And the littluns. Scared of the “beasty”. Beasty, that’s ridiculous. What kind of monster would come up from the sea every night? The littluns have to be taught a lesson. They’re stupid, little cry babies that want attention. Ralph’s ideas were horrible. The littluns, they are too stupid to not take short near the food. And were too lazy, he can fetch his own bloody water if he wants it. Why should people bend to Ralph’s every whim? I say that we should elect a new leader. I don’t want my hunters attending to some stupid fire. I want them with me, killing boars and animals. For we are hunters, not helpless little boys. But if push comes to shove, Ralph may be needed to be taken out of the picture. Permanently.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Mistake (Perspective of Ralph,Chapter 4)

There isn’t a word to describe what Jack is. He let the fire go out. The ship. We could have gone home. But the fire was out. He thought that he was all high-and-mighty because he was a hunter. And even after realizing this, he goes into a rage and slaps Piggy over the face. I cannot believe this. So what if he caught a boar. So what if he has “king” of the hunters. This doesn’t mean bloody anything if we can’t get back home. No is EVER letting the fire go out. And Jack’s mask. He thought that all the stupid clay on his face made him powerful. He thought it gave him the final word on things. He must understand that it doesn’t. I am the leader. He is the hunter, not the leader. The littluns on the beach did not realize the severity of this situation. They just played on the beach all day and didn’t do anything to help all of us get off the beach. But if they chose not to help, so be it. I am leader, not Jack, not Piggy, not anyone. I have the final say. And my final say is to NEVER let the fire go out.