I aroused my choir from their confusion, as the plane crash had definitely jumbled them up. I, of course, had not been shaken a bit from the crash at all. After everyone had been accounted for, I got them into formation. Many suggestions popped up here and there for what we should do, but my executive decision was to go and search for food. The boys did not rebel against the idea and we started to march toward the unknown forest.
We marched and marched, but there was no food to be found. All of a sudden, a long bass note came roaring overhead. Like bees drawn to honey, my choir immediately detered from looking for food to following where the noise had come from. I shouted and the boys came running back to formation. All of us marched through the hostile forest until we came to a beach where a savage looking boy holding a shell of some sort was standing. As we came onto the beach, the boy blew the horn and the long bass note we had heared earlier came roaring out. Soon, a short and round little boy came running up to me, insisting that I tell him our names. I introduced myself as Jack and choir to the fat boy, who ran up to the boy on the beach and, I presume, told him our names. The boy who had now stopped blowing the horn came over to us and introduced himself. His name was Ralph. The short fat boy suddenly shouted that they have a meeting.
Strangely enough, Ralph stood on his head and told us that a leader should be elected out of the many of us, as many other kids had joined us on the beach as Ralph had blown the shell. Being a natural leader, I nominated myself to be the leader. Ralph nominated himself, but also the short fat boy. The fat boy tried to speak, but I was getting aggravated with him and cut him off by calling him fatty. All of a sudden, Ralph burst out in laughter as he told everyone that the fat boy's name was Piggy. The chorus and I erupted in laughter, Piggy I though to myself, Piggy. What a funny name. After all the laughter had died down, it was back to who was being elected to be leader of all the kids. Piggy said that we should all vote on a leader. He asked the crowd who thought Ralph should be leader. The apparent masculinity in Ralph persuaded most of the crowd, even my own choir. I shot them a look and the choir shot all their hands down with one fluent motion. Piggy asked who thought I should be leader. Of course, my choir voted for me, as I was the best out of all of them. Piggy then asked who thought he should be leader, no hands. After counting all the hands, Ralph won the vote.
Mad at the decision, I made sure I would have a leading role in this civilization. I argued for the leadership role, but then Ralph said that the choir and I could be hunters, and I would be leader of the hunters. Satisified with that, Ralph's first decision as leader was to access whether what we crashed on really was an island. He decided three of us should go, Ralph and I, and one other. He pointed to a frail boy in my choir, Simon. As we set out to go explore the mountain, Piggy felt as if it was his duty to trail along. Soon Ralph turned around and told Piggy he couldn't come with us. As Simon and I pretended not to notice, Ralph started to trek on the "trail" again. I looked back, and saw that Piggy was devastated.
After we had reached the end of the trail, a "mountain" stood before us. Ralph decided that we should climb it. When all three of us had reached the top, we could see clearly that we were on an island. But being at the top of the mountain had something to it. Some exasperating feeling that could not be explained. This feeling made me feel like a king. But as soon as we had gotten on top of the mountain, we were climbing back down it. Walking down the trail made me realize how hungry I was. I needed food. I tried to find fruit that would feed us, but I could find nothing. Soon we came upon a boar that had been caught in vines and was struggling to get out. With a flourish I whipped out my knife, but I hesitated. Scared to kill an actual living being. But because of that hesitation, the boar broke free of the vines and scurried away. I suddenly felt rage fill me up, how could of I let our food go away? Frustrated with myself, I bore my knife into a nearby tree with the rage of a warrior going into battle. I told Simon and Ralph that I was trying to find the right spot to cut the boar, not revealing the true reason I hesitated. But next time. Next time will be different. Next time there will be blood. I will get us off this island.