Sunday, March 30, 2008

Posting #3

Posting #3
The Color of Water
Chapters 10-15

Quote Analysis

1. Quote from Page 88:
"Every morning we hit the door at six-thirty, fanning out across the city like soldiers, armed with books, T squares, musical instruments, an 'S' bus pass that allowed you to ride the bus and subway for a nickel, and a free-school-lunch coupon in out pocket. Even the tiniest of us knew the subway and local bus schedules and routes by heart."

2. I chose this quote because it shows what James' family went through just to get to school. Each kid had to take a different bus to school just to get to the Jewish schools that the monarch Mommy chose for them. It also shows how poor James' family really is, using the bus passes that allowed for a cheaper fare and free lunch tickets for school.

3. I have learned that James' school route was quite different than what we consider normal today. For James as well, he was thinking about the kids that could walk to school and why he had to take an hour and a half bus ride to school. He did not understand why he had to go to a Jewish school, so I imagine that every day that he rode the bus to school, he would be wondering why he couldn't go to a school down the street and walk.

1. In your own opinion, why do you think the guy on the street corner is called "Chicken Man"?

2. In Chapter 12, James realizes that at one point he had a real father. But instead of seeing his actual dad, who died before he was born, he imagines Hunter Jordan Sr. How would you feel if you didn't know your own dad and instead of imagining him, you imagined someone else?


Paloma Fernandez said...

Quote response: I like the quote you chose, gabe. I think that it is a good qouote, because like you said, it tells us more about his route to school. I Also think that the similie that compared them to soldiers also told us a bit more about what they went through. I imagine it must have been hard to handle so many kids going on so many different busses to get to different schools, just so they could have a good education.

Response to question: Well i wouldnt feel very different because if i did not know him and was imaginign someone else, i wouldnt mind much, especially since i did not know him. Im not sure exactly how i would feel. It depends if my non- biological father was nice, although im sure there would still be a bit of some feeling.. Like in Stuart Little when he tells his adopted parents that somethings missing because he does not know his real - mouse family.. I guess i would feel like that.

XDXPThaddeus said...

first question i higly doubt it
second question i would not like it at all but i will see him as the dad as i would picture it and i would want to have that kind of dad not that i dont like mine

Adrianna said...

1. I didn't understand why the called him chickman. That confused me a bit. It might be because he is skinny or something.

2.I would think that I would understand how I would have to fill the void somehow. It would confuse me a bit though at times.

Quote: If I was Ruth this would be extremely hectic and crazy. I don't think I could handle it at all. I believe it would a really gifted preson to do that job and Ruth is that person.