Monday, January 28, 2008

Perspective of: Simon (Chapter 2)

The mountain’s view had been exasperating. Seeing everything far and wide made me feel like a bird floating on clouds. Coming down the mountain was quite far from exasperating though. The three of us met a pig caught in the weeds of the forest. With a frightening speed, Jack whipped out his knife but hesitated. Just the flourish of the knife scared Ralph and I. But when the pig ran away, this rage that was hidden within Jack came out. He stuck his knife into a tree with such rage, it made Ralph and I step a few steps back.
When we got back to the camp, Ralph told everyone that we were indeed on an island. When everyone started to talk over him, he silenced them all and said that whoever had the conch was the only one allowed to talk. After Ralph had finished telling everyone what he had to say, eager to sound like a leader Jack grabbed the conch out of Ralph’s lap and told everyone that the first thing that they should do is make a fire. The entire choir, including me, sprung up at the sound of a command from our leader. Leading the way, Jack led the way and the obedient choir followed. I never looked back to see what became of Ralph and Piggy, but it seemed clear that they followed us too when we got the top of the mountain.
At the top, Jack decided, without the conch in hand, that everyone should start chopping wood to make our fire out of. Of course, Piggy did most of the “intellectual” work, but somehow he seemed smarter than the rest of us. Jack, acting like a commander in a war, was busy shouting out commands for where the wood should go. After every piece of wood had been chopped down, every last twig picked up, Ralph started asking how we should start the fire. Of course, Jack had a mischievous glint in his eye. He pointed and shouted at Piggy, “Use his spectacles!” With one, fluent motion, the glasses were off of Piggy’s head in and in the carefully positioning hands of Jack. Soon a spark of a flame leapt from the glasses.
Everyone in the crowd shouted and yelled as the spectacular fire danced from limb to limb of the forest, devouring everything in its path. It was just amazing, seeing the fire live and breath in the forest. No one talked, but simply cheered it on by the look on there faces due to sheer awe. Suddenly Piggy screamed out, “What have you done?!” Ralph and Jack whipped around to see a red Piggy staring at them. “We started a fire, that’s what we did”, answered Jack contently. Then Piggy’s expression faded as he explained the little boy that was playing in the woods down there. And how the fire destroyed every little piece of wood they needed for shelter. For once, there was a silence. A silence where no one knew what to do. Not even Piggy.

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