Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For Today, I am Relaxed (Perspective of Piggy,Chapter 3)

Today was a lazy Sunday. The others and I spent today just relaxing. Ralph and Simon were building huts, but my auntie would have told me to just relax. No need for an asthma flare up. It did not bewilder me when Jack came back from hunting empty handed. Ralph then came over to him and they started to argue. I couldn’t hear them, so the argument was inscrutable for me. Something about putting barbs at the end of the spear. I couldn’t hear, and I didn’t want to. I just wanted to relax on the warm sand of the beach. The tendrils hanging above me looked like long snakes hanging from their tails. Furtive in appearance as if they would jump down and bite any unsuspecting person walking by. But they were just vines, vines on a tree.
As I closed my eyes, I thought about laying in a festoon of grass, with the sun hitting me with warm rays. But the dream was shattered as Ralph’s and Jack’s argument suddenly became audible to me. Ralph sounded like he was trying to oppress Jack, keep him from hunting and make him help out with building the huts. They went off into the forest, arguing about something, nothing I cared about. Now was Piggy time, Piggy all day, no one else.
Maybe I’ll start working tomorrow, maybe not. Work is not as fun though, (I sigh). I’m gonna go to sleep, see what happens, maybe we’ll get rescued soon. But for now, I'm just going to stay here on the sand and sleep, for today I am actually relaxed.

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