Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Mistake (Perspective of Ralph,Chapter 4)

There isn’t a word to describe what Jack is. He let the fire go out. The ship. We could have gone home. But the fire was out. He thought that he was all high-and-mighty because he was a hunter. And even after realizing this, he goes into a rage and slaps Piggy over the face. I cannot believe this. So what if he caught a boar. So what if he has “king” of the hunters. This doesn’t mean bloody anything if we can’t get back home. No is EVER letting the fire go out. And Jack’s mask. He thought that all the stupid clay on his face made him powerful. He thought it gave him the final word on things. He must understand that it doesn’t. I am the leader. He is the hunter, not the leader. The littluns on the beach did not realize the severity of this situation. They just played on the beach all day and didn’t do anything to help all of us get off the beach. But if they chose not to help, so be it. I am leader, not Jack, not Piggy, not anyone. I have the final say. And my final say is to NEVER let the fire go out.

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