Monday, February 18, 2008

Break Apart (Chapter 8, Perspective of Ralph)

I cannot beleive Jack. He is such an arrogant fool. He broke away from the group today, and was trying to stab at my leadership skills. Luckily no one followed him, but I know that some will eventually go to Jack. Jack thinks that he is all powerful. He isn't. He thinks he has power over all the others when he doesn't. All he does is yell at the other kids and they do what he says out of sheer terror. Breaking away from our group was a foolish idea. He thinks that staying on this island is all fun and games and hunting. But it's not. He has to get a fire going to alert other ships, he needs to gather fresh water everyday so that he can survive. Jack has done a lot of stupid things on this island, but this probably qualifies as the stupidest.

Jack just gets on my nerves sometimes. He has gotten people to go over to his "tribe", and later he started to bribe the kids that had stayed with me with meat. Waving it in front of their faces, how in the world could they not resist. Even I went over. He was all dressed up, like he was a God of some sort. Why did Jack have to land on this island with us? Why? He is tearing everyone apart since he can't realize that he isn't boss on this island. Hmmmm, where did Simon go? He seems to have disappeared on us. I wonder where he went. I hope he is ok. He is just about the last one that hasn't gone crazy on this island.

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