Monday, February 18, 2008

Alone on the Beach (Chapter 7,Perspective of Piggy)

Today the others are still up on the mountain. I wonder what they have been doing up there all this time. But luckily I wasn't chosen to go up with them. Who knows what the beastie is capable of doing to us? Why, I'd be scared out my mind's end if I encountered the beastie on the trip. And my specs, getting worse every day. Right now I can see only out of one eye, soon I won't be able to see anything at all. That would be quite bad. I wonder what my auntie would say if she was here. She would take out my spec's cleaning kit and she'd have them fixed in no time. She could also help us sort out this beastie nonsense.

Waiting here with the littuns is getting me on edge now. The others could be walking into the beastie's lair right now. All the littuns are just playing around in the sand. How foolish of them. They cry about the beastie eveyr night, but won't go and help kill it off. Oh, here comes Simon, I hope he has some good news.

Simon just came back and told me that the group is going to go looking for the beastie on the mountain and may return back after nightfall. *sigh* I hope nothing happens to any of them. Wait, what am I saying? I hope something happens to Jack, but no harm falls upon the others. Jack has just been so mean to me, I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine when they finally meet the beastie. But if anything happens to Ralph, I could never survive here alone with Jack. He'd probably kill me before we got off this island. Oh thinking about all this is making me tremble. Mabye they will come back soon with the new of finally killing the beastie. That would make me feel so much better. We would all have a feast and stuff our faces with pig and fruit and yummy food from this island. But for now, I think I will just sit here and watch the littuns play around in the sand, mabye join them, as they have no clue of what's unfolding before them.

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