Monday, March 10, 2008

Posting #1

Posting #1
The Color of Water
Pgs. 1-57

Quote Analysis:
"You don't need money. What's money if your mind is empty! Educate your mind! Is this world crazy or am I the crazy one? It's probably me."

I chose this quote because it says a lot about the mom. She can be wise in a way at times, but also crazy too. It also tells us a little bit about how she treats her daughter. It shows she wants the best for her daughter by teaching her a little about what not to do, but even though the mother's heart is in the right place, her lessons are a little off.

This quote has definitely showed us the mother's personality. Quotes like these will probably become more and more significant as the story progresses as it shows how the mother will cope with her kids in the story.

1. Ruth, the mother of the children, has a very interesting personality. How do you think this personality will affect the children in the later story?

2. Ruth does call herself white in front of her children, why do you think this is?

1 comment:

Ciara said...

Response 1- I think her personality will effect the story in very strong ways. I think the mother is going to be a very big part of James' life. Since she is the only parent he really has right now.

Response 2- So they know the difference and they know she is proud of being who she is even though she hides her past from them.

Response to Quote: I liked the quote you chose and I agree with you how she can be very wise but at the same time a little of her rocker. She also seems like she will be able to give her children helpful encouragement for when the grow up.