Friday, May 16, 2008

To Kill a Mockingbird Post #1

Posting #1
Chapters 1-3
To Kill a Mockingbird

1.End of Chapter 1:
"The old house was the same, droopy and sick, but as we stared down the street we thought we saw an inside shutter move. Flick. A tiny, almost invisible movement, and the house was still. "

2. I chose this quote because it shows how scary and intimidating the Radley House was for the children that lived in Maycomb. I think that this is another reason that most of the kids think that Boo is a scary person. Since he lives in this big scary house and stabbed his father with a pair of scissors, he must be a scary person too.

3. This house is another aspect of the story. It shows how Scout, Jem, and Dill think about the Radleys. It will most likely have more roles in the story as we learn more about the little town of Maycomb and ominous Boo Radley.

1. What character do you think your personality is most like? Stephanie Crawford the town gossip or that rough type of person like Scout?

2. Who is your favorite character in the book so far? Why?


XDXPThaddeus said...

i agee with your quote anaylist. your right it doesnt only show or tell you about the house it also shows that this house is the repensatation of evil in the book.

1 i think i am more of scout, because i ususaly take a cautios approach to things and if anything is diffrent or new i choose to just go on with my life then face it.

2 so far my favorite character is atticus because he is more of the all knowing father/person of the book, and also every one goes to him for insight or knolege.

Anthony said...

Comment/response 1
1: I think i am more like Stephanie Crawford, because if you really look down into how she acts and why she does it you find a different person. Why does she try to scare the kids in the town instead of just trying to educate them? Well maybe because she is trying to avoid questions that she might be embarrassed to answer, if she doesn't know the answer the kids around the block will laugh at her and she would for ever be the stupid person on the block. Shes most like me because i try to stray away from things i feel uncomfortable about answering or talking about.
2: My favorite is Ms. Caroline. Actually the character I don't like at all. But how she approaches new environments and takes control of situation i lust over. I like how she isn't afraid to scare people into doing what she wants and at the same time she is good at bringing people around her to help her when she needs them.

I some what agree with what you though in a way i don't agree. I do agree that this quote shows how the house is the scary part of this story and for the kids who live in Maycomb. But the part when you say that it will have more roles as the story goes on i really don't think it will. It is a back drop for a different kind of character, in its own it is a character. It has a personality, description, and its own secret, which are the basic needs of a character in a story.
But i do like how you looked into the quote and found the deeper meaning of the quote.