Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Unwanted Changes (Perspective of Jack,Chapter 5)

Everyone. The littluns. The bigguns. The beasty. Everyone should just shutup and listen to me. I have answers to everything. It was not my fault that the fire went out. Why does Ralph always blame the bad things that happen on me? I caught us a pig, I gave him meat. His stupid little assembly today just made things worse. He thinks he can boss us around like this. I spit on him. I am the hunter, I should make the decisions for everyone. And the littluns. Scared of the “beasty”. Beasty, that’s ridiculous. What kind of monster would come up from the sea every night? The littluns have to be taught a lesson. They’re stupid, little cry babies that want attention. Ralph’s ideas were horrible. The littluns, they are too stupid to not take short near the food. And were too lazy, he can fetch his own bloody water if he wants it. Why should people bend to Ralph’s every whim? I say that we should elect a new leader. I don’t want my hunters attending to some stupid fire. I want them with me, killing boars and animals. For we are hunters, not helpless little boys. But if push comes to shove, Ralph may be needed to be taken out of the picture. Permanently.


Anthony said...

I like how you actually put in what Jack would say when no one is around. Also i like how you incorporate information that has happened in previous chapters and not just this one.

Anna Walsh said...

gabe this is really good. I love the way you wrote it straight from Jacks mind and I think you really caught the side of Jack we don't get to see; the one he tries to hide. You seemed to get all of the main points from the chapter which is something I tend to have a problem with. You are a very good writer. I do think it could be longer though.

steven.woods said...

wow it was really arrogant and mean you sounded just like jack! good job. lol

Paloma Fernandez said...

There is no doubt that you captured the "British" and arrogance in Jack. But I think in this entry, Jack is a little too mean, I would make him meaner the next time you write from the perspective of Jack. But overall, good job silly goose